Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Favorite Family Memory

My favorite family memory was when my family and I went down to Watiki in Rapid City,South Dakota.We all had a really good time including my grandma.When we were down there my grandma played the arcade games.Everybody but my mom,Dustin,and my grandma went down the water slides.We had a terrific time.I hope we go back sometime but this time with my Aunt Mischelle.We can't go with my grandma anymore because she isn't here.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Water Cycle Web Quest

What is the definiton of evaporation?
What three proccess occur to form clouds?
List three forms of precipitation?
Decribe precipitation in your own words?
Precipitation is rain.snow,hail,or sleet.
Name five ways to conserve water?
Is the water you used this morning the same water dinosoars used millions of years ago?no it isn't tha same.
If a glass of water is left out for a long period of time the water will evaporate.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Water Cycle

The Water Cycle is when the water evaporates and goes up into the sky.Then it comes back down as precipitation.The vibration in the lakes causes the water to evaporate and go up into the sky.After it all evaporates it comes back out of the sky as precipitation.The vibration causes this cycle to happen.


Wikipedia water cycle

Thirstin's water cycle

Monday, April 21, 2008

My Favorite Thing to do

My favorite thing to do is go to water parks.Water parks are fun.It gives you a chance to get away from the house once in a while.If you see your friends there you can go hang out with them.Sometimes you can even get some cotton candy,juice,pop,or water.Everything but the cotton candy you can eat.The things you can eat at awater park are a completly different story.The things you can eat are chocolate,candy,hot dogs,pizza if they sell it,hamburgers,and whatever you can think of.You name it I say it.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


My friends are Taylor,Brenna,Kyler and alot more people.There are even some people that I don'tlike either.The people that I don't like make me really mad.I'm not going to say any names.That would be really rude if I did.I don't think they want me to talk about them.Even though I get mad at them I still like them.

My life

Ever sice my grandma died my hole life has been screwed up.On March 31,2008 My grandma died at 11:40Monday night.Ya we may not have a good life anymore,but we aregoing to have to live it.Sure people may make fun of me now,but that won't affect me much.I was to young to see her suffer like that.She died in the Rapid City Regional Hospital in Rapid City,South Dakota.Now I am really sad.On May15,2000 my grandpa died,and the sad thing about that is that he died a day before my birthday.The funeral for my granda was held on April4,2008.

What Really makes me mad

The thing that makes me mad is when my brother Devlon won't leave me alone at home.He will follow me around and asjk me if he can come in my room.I don't know why he wants to go in my room.He gets so ANNOYING.I can't stand him.Sometimes he is okay,but sometimes he just annoys me to where I want to rip all of my hair out.I wouldn't do that unless I got really mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Funniest Thing

This year when we were watching tv. Dustin,Cody,Devlon,and I were really hungry.We were all starving to death.So Dustin asked Annie what there was to eat and we were watching the Wedding Crashers,and then thats where it got funny.Right after Dustin asked what there was to eat Devlon told us we were having the Wedding Crashers for dinner.We all started laughing at him.He didn't start crying though.Devlon got so mad at us.Then he took it out on me.He was calling me mean names and everything.That is about all I have to say now.