Thursday, May 22, 2008

Summer Time Fun

This summer will be so fun.I am not joking.When summer comes I will do all kinds of stuff like go swimming,go to Utah,andmaybe even get to hang out with my friends down here before I go.When I leave for Utah my mom will be bawling her eyes out cus she don't want us to leave.She will call us in Upton,and we will get the message down in Utah.SUMMER TIME FUN BABY.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Going to Utah

This summer I am going down to utah to see my dad.I do not know what month I am going in though.It will be so fun.When I am down there I am going to probably go swimming and go fishing.I really like it,and I will be able to get away from my mom's gay boyfriend Dustin.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Earthquake in China
Who:people in china

What:there is an earthquake that has been going on for three days

Where:In China

When:Monday Ma b19,2008

Why:the earthquake needed to go somewhere

How:the earthquake decided to hit China

My opinion:I think this is sad how so many loved ones in China died.It is also sad that most of them lost their homes in the earthquake.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nevada Casino Goes up in Flames

Who:the Nevada Casino

What happened:it went up in flames

Where at:in Nevada

When did this happen:1 hour and 17 minutes ago

how:there was a fire that started and caught the building on fire

Why:this happened because of the fire

My opinion:I think this is really sad how that happened.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Most Interesting Thing I Have Done With My Family

The most interestinh thing I have done with my family is when I went down to Watitki Waterpark in Rapid City,South Dakota.We all had an amazing time.I don't think anybody hated it.When we were down there at Watiki Waterpark my grandma played the arcade games.I went down the waterslides when I was there.The first time I went down the waterslide I was shaking so badly.It wasn't even funny.After I went down the second time I was still shaking,but not as bad.One thing I remember though is when I went down the green slide.Iwas tipping forward,and I fell out of my inner tube.It was so funny.Then when I came out the slide I had to wait for my inner tube to come out of the slide.The lifeguards didn't get mad.One thing we liked about Watiki was the Tiki bucket.Now I have to admit that was awsome.That is one thing I LOVED it a lot.I wanted to go back again.Another thing I got to see on this trip was Mount Rushmore.I sware this was the most beautiful carving I've seen in my hole life.It was so beautiful.It was spectacular too.I wish I can go back and see it again.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Family Member Who Passed Away

Who:Anne mettler. Anne Mettler was a kind generous person.She always did things her way.We didn't care how she did them just as long as she got them done.Also she LOVED to bake.A few of the things she loved to bake were Texas cinamon rolls,cake.cookies.and banana nut bread.She was always busy busy busy doing things.We will never forget how she made these.This is a specail family memory that we cherish.
What happened:My grandma passed away because she wasn't doing good.Also she wasn't doing good because she had liver caner,eternal bleeding,and bleeding in the brain.Before she had this she had breast cancer,cancer,and a few other things wrong.Anne had so many brothers and sisters.She loved them all.Also I wrote a poem about my grandma.
My grandma is very neat
She is o so sweet
My grandma is really bright
She was bright just like a light
She helped people in many ways
There isn't anything to say
She loved her sisters and brothers
She was always kind to others
Now I really miss her
And I will never forget her
She loved us in each and every way
After that she had nothing to say
I had nothing to do
So I said"I love you"
I had nothing to say
But I will miss her every day
She had so much love
That she was pure like a dove
She is really dear
Now she isn't here
Where:My grandma died down in Rapid.It was so hard to see suffer like that.I did not want her to go.
Where:Anne Mettler passed away down in the Rapid City Regional Hospital in Rapid City,South Dakota.It was so sad to see her die like that.I hated it.She was the best person I knew.
When:My grandma passed away on March31,2008.I will never forget that day.Also it was a sad day.
Why:she passed awy because she wasn't doing good.she had a really bad illness,and she had liver cancer.I didn't want to see her suffer like that.

Friday, May 9, 2008

A Current Event


Who:A motherTHAT is pregant

What is happening:sHE is having her 18th child

Where:In Arkansas

When:1 hour and 18 minutes ago

Why:she wanted to have eighteen kids

My opinion:I think that if this women is having eighteen kids then she is crazy.I also think that she should've had only one or two kids.Having eighteen kids would be a bunch

My opinion:If I was a mother and had eighteen kids I would scream.Then I would go and shove my head in a tub of water that is about thirty feet deep.I would also think that I was crazy if I had eighteen kids.If I knew this lady,I would ask why she wanted to have so many kids.This picture I have on here kind of represents the mother with eighteen kids.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Favorite Thing to do

My favorite thing to do is go swimming.I like swimming because I can get in the water.I can even go and dive in the water.If you are like me then that is sweet.Some people don't even like to get in the water.If they don't like to get in the water then they are crazy.

Monday, May 5, 2008

A Current Event

My opinion:I think that people should try to stop this disease from making the golden frogs go instinct.This disease is called Chytrid.It is very deadly.I do not know the definiton of it.These frogs should not go instinct.
Who:The golden frog of Panama
What:A deadly fungus is causing the frogs to go instinct
Why:The fungus wants to kill the frogs
When did this happen:36 minutes ago
Where:In Panama

My opinoin:I think this is really sad that the golden frogs are going instinct.If there was a cure to help these frogs I would go and help cure these frogs.I think these frogs mean a lot to people.Also I think that if these frogs don't go instinct they could make a good pet.I still think that it is really sad. think these frogs are very neat.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

The People I miss the Most

The people I will always miss are my grandma and my grandpa.I will always know that they watch everything I do and they will listen to evrything I say.I also know that they will be in my heart,and be in a better place.The one thing that is sad is that I won't get to see them any more.I will always remember them.They will also remember who I am ,and what I do.When it is my time to go they will know that it is me,and ask how I have been without them.I will tell them that it has been sad and okay.